Wednesday, June 1, 2011

triunfo del amor juanjo

triunfo del amor juanjo. Re: **TRIUNFO DEL

  • evilgEEk
    Oct 9, 03:34 PM
    I agree, except for one little thing===> HD Content distribution. No real solution for that one yet. You can't very easily d/l a 25GB HD movie. Even compressed, it's a massive freakin' file. I don't think there's a comsumer level internet connection that could support such content offerings.
    I agree, but I don't have an HD TV, nor do I plan on having one any time soon, so I'm not too concerned about HD content yet. ;) But others definitely will be.

    Just what can Target say? "If you allow Apple do do something that might cut into out DVD sales we will intentionally sell fewer DVD" Kind of like holding a gun to your head threatening to shoot.
    I love it! :D

    triunfo del amor juanjo. triunfo del amor ximena
  • triunfo del amor ximena

  • pyramid6
    Oct 9, 04:15 PM
    I bought a season of a TV show on iTunes for $25 or so. I saw the same season at Walmart for $45 or so. I'm just sayin'.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. TB MX Triunfo del Amor
  • TB MX Triunfo del Amor

  • bayxsonic
    Mar 28, 02:59 PM
    This is going to be great, absolutely, but forget to pay only a $99 premium for this feature. TVs with Internet access and AirPlay capabilities are going to be overpriced for a couple years. Then the technology will either have failed and retired from TVs or it will be in every or so TV. Now I just wish I could have a cheap audio AirPlay receiver to connect my speakers to ($40 anyone?)

    triunfo del amor juanjo. triunfo del amor osvaldo
  • triunfo del amor osvaldo

  • Canadian Guy
    Jan 6, 09:43 PM
    When I receive a push notification through Facebook on my iPhone, my iPhone won't vibrate (but only the message appears). Does you iPhone vibrate when you receive a Facebook push notification?


    triunfo del amor juanjo. triunfo del amor bebe
  • triunfo del amor bebe

  • Flying Llama
    Jun 13, 02:04 PM
    Isn't that the IP of Quadra840? I already crippled him by shutting down his power once in a while. He was getting to close. And about those Stinkers, My normal production output is at 300, but with all these Stinkers I'm lucky if my average is 200 a day. We should all complain by Stanford, maybe we can do something about it and get a bit more gromacs.

    Isn't that everyone's IP? :o

    triunfo del amor juanjo. en -Triunfo del Amor-! :O
  • en -Triunfo del Amor-! :O

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 11, 05:38 PM
    Oh, I know it's sort of off-topic, but check this out:

    How to Fold a Shirt (

    And for those among us here who speak Japanese, what is the woman saying exactly?


    triunfo del amor juanjo. en el Triunfo del Amor
  • en el Triunfo del Amor

  • Imhotep397
    Jun 29, 07:47 AM
    I said this a while back. Apple should buy SanDisk, buy Sony, get rid of Ex-FAT and re-package/re-brand/standardize this media in every product they make and package a flavor of it for ROM as a successor to Blu-Ray.

    Small, portable, insane storage capacity and Apple could build the format without the insane licensing fees that have been attached to Blu-Ray. Apple is a global company and they want all of their products to be immensely useful globally, unfortunately broadband and internet mean something completely different to everyone, in terms of connection speed, and that will in all likely hood never change. A small disc, slightly larger than a half a stick of gum, that can hold up to 2TB of data potentially is the perfect bridge for every digital device in virtually any form factor.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. Triunfo+de+amor+linda
  • Triunfo+de+amor+linda

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 15, 11:07 PM
    Everyone has lost interest in doing this kind of thing I guess. Maybe when they removed the screensaver, for good reasons, it wasn't as interesting for some people. Upgrading to new clients can be a hassle.

    I think if the stats were more interesting, I would like to have a better way to see how I'm doing against people on other teams.

    Kakaostats may go by the wayside, he doesn't have individual stats anymore and the rest of his stats are questionable because of some bug.:(

    We need to get more users in the team and have it competitive between us and also track the teams PPD. The stats are really fun and is what makes me want to produce more then I would otherwise do :D


    triunfo del amor juanjo. PAREJA DE TRIUNFO DEL AMOR

  • CaptMurdock
    Apr 10, 11:24 AM
    I believe the crucial difference is that you believe when government taxes and spends the money on a service, it's better than not taxing at all.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. triunfo del amor osvaldo
  • triunfo del amor osvaldo

  • fourthtunz
    Feb 19, 05:19 PM
    You know how you can turn your iPhone onto airplane mode? Most likely, especially with such a hot topic as this, you will be able to turn your RFID on and off, because as you remember, you are in control here. Phones also tend to be customizable. Right now based on size only (hd). Once again, with a topic like this, you will most likely be able to request no RFID in the phone.

    Or, imagine this, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Simply go buy a different phone. The problem has been solved. Amazing.

    If you're worried about the government know that you're a gaining weight because the pants your buying are larger than the last ones, maybe you should look at your self esteem, or maybe you have a weight problem. Try spending less time complaining on the internet and more time on your feet.

    Either way, let them put RFID tags in. Lets advance to Japans level of technology. We here in America are so closed minded and paranoid. If you're so paraniod about the government knowing that you're buying things you shouldn't, don't bring your phone in the store, or don't do illegal activities.

    And lastly, some of you are worried that advertisers will target people. As human beings (real live) we have freedom of choice. We don't have to listen to ads, and we can buy what we want. Develop a little self control. I don't want to see tampon ads when I am watching the game with the guys, it would be great if we had audience only oriented ads.

    So, quit buying dirty magazines, bomb making materials, listening to every ad, and thinking that we have it all here in America, and then maybe embrace that Apple thinks like a human being a little more than the average corperation.

    Cheers Apple heads!

    How much does the Gov pay you?
    That was a very well written first post!
    Am I worried about the Gov knowing that I've gained weight?
    Um no.
    Read some history about our country.
    Read the history about our Federal Reserve(Private Bank)
    Read the patriot act.

    I am not worried about a thing. Go ahead, keep believing what you want.
    I can see where our country is headed, I will not trust our government for anything.


    triunfo del amor juanjo. Re: **TRIUNFO DEL

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 26, 04:25 PM
    Writing this from Leopard, Its such a great upgrade I loveee it and OMFG the queue was insane xD Gald to say I was 4th coming away with 2 shirts (Sorry if you didnt get one xD Heh I waited 3 hours :P Which flew by) The amount of people that pushed pissed me off. But in the end whatever. All my photos came out pretty god damn crap which I am not happy about. heres one of the queue (At like 4, its got a hell of a lot bigger later on.)

    triunfo del amor juanjo. Re: **TRIUNFO DEL

  • mrcammy
    Nov 12, 10:33 AM
    In any language, it ain't funny...


    triunfo del amor juanjo. #39;El Triunfo del Amor#39;,
  • #39;El Triunfo del Amor#39;,

  • ddrueckhammer
    Mar 27, 10:37 AM
    Jobs: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that alright?
    Schmidt: (Frisks Jobs Crotch)
    Barista: I frisked him. He's Clean.
    Jobs casually walks to the restroom.

    Job walks back to table and casually sits down.
    (In Italian)
    Schmidt: Do you feel better?
    Jobs: Yes.
    Schmidt: Stevey, you understand me don't you? You're italian, just like your father. You're Sick. When you feel better, we'll arrange a meeting and everything will be alright. This meanness must come to an end.
    Jobs shifts his eyes around the room. Jumps up and shoots Schmidt three times.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. BLANCO EN TRIUNFO DEL AMOR

  • vniow
    Sep 13, 05:34 PM
    This has nothing to do with Macs, or it might depending on which rumors you believe, but AMD's Clawhammer is coming out in the first quarter of 2003 and will likely be marketed as a 3400+ which would be higher than the PV at 3.2 Ghz. However, unless this chip gets used in the next Powermac revision (not likely, I know, but possible) then IBM better get that almost-too-good-to-be-true-Power4-mini-me out fast. I'm going to wait until October to see IBM's roadmap for any further speculation though. :)

    click or I'll hammer you (


    triunfo del amor juanjo. en Triunfo del amor,
  • en Triunfo del amor,

  • macgeek18
    Mar 31, 01:45 AM
    It's currently $4.20 a gallon where I live. :'(
    I just got my license too, talk about bad luck.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. avance triunfo del amor
  • avance triunfo del amor

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 07:09 AM
    Let's see...

    Most successful desktop operating system: Microsoft Windows.
    Most successful server operating system: Microsoft Windows Server.
    Most successful office suite: Microsoft Office.

    Yes, having been given a monopoly over the IBM compatible PC platform by IBM themselves is quite a measure of how great Microsoft is. :rolleyes:

    Their success is based on IBM's failure to realise how important that market would become. They have not built their success off of making good products.

    And Microsoft Windows Server ? really ? Is it successful because I have to install 30 of those to run a simple SSO db like AD whereas I can run eDirectory off of 3 Sun boxes and achieve the same results with about 100 times more objects in the directory ?

    But this story is about a guy who manages data center, not about Microsoft's rise to power and their illegal moves to remain at the top for years. And their data center seems to have been top notch, since you rarely hear of Windows update not working or being down, or MSN messenger not responding or being on the fritz.


    triunfo del amor juanjo. #39;Triunfo del amor#39;,
  • #39;Triunfo del amor#39;,

  • HyperZboy
    Mar 25, 10:16 AM
    I agree with some previous posts but I'll expand upon them...

    If Apple infringed, they should pay, but the better alternative would be to buy Kodak, slowly shut them down (they're already slowly shutting down), then make RIM pay Apple! HAHA!

    And in the process, Apple gets tons of patents, plus they can once again sell Apple branded printers and digital cameras again, something they haven't done for quite some time. The original Apple digital cameras were made by Kodak anyway. Then Apple could drop some other brands from Apple Stores and keep almost the entire purchase an all-Apple purchase.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. de quot;El triunfo del amorquot;
  • de quot;El triunfo del amorquot;

  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 08:20 AM
    Yup. So the EF-s lens is providing a field of view of 16-35.2mm in full-frame, 35mm equivalent. So is effected by the 1.6 crop. Which is what I've been saying all along.

    Yep. so you are now using the term Equivalent, not actual, which is not what you have been arguing, but I have.... Actual focal length is 10-22 in EFS. Effective in 35mm terms is 16-32mm.

    OK. So, with your logic, take that Equivalent in Full Frame EF 16-35.2mm lens and put it back on your 7D, and your FOV changes again, and your Image changes. It will be using the center of the lens's elements, in effect "cropping" your image tighter, which now gives you an effective focal length of 56.32 mm on the long end, not the 22mm as your argument would dictate.

    As stated before, you are comparing Apples to Oranges. You have to have a standard frame of reference which is a 35mm sensor size.

    triunfo del amor juanjo. Juan José Cortés: el nuevo Job
  • Juan José Cortés: el nuevo Job

  • twoodcc
    May 5, 11:11 AM
    Welcome grapes911 to the team :D

    thanks for joining! welcome! :)

    Mar 28, 02:36 PM
    No you will not.
    Edit: to clarify, if you take an EF 17-40mm and put it on a 60D, you will get the exact same field of view as an EF-S 17-55mm if both are set to 17mm.

    Well, no, you will not. You are not using the FULL image circle on the EF lens on the 60D. Take that same EF 17-40 and put it on a 5D and your image will be composed differently. NOTE: the Lens has not changed it's focal length, but your image HAS changed.

    The common misconception is that your field of view is what the CAMERA records. In actuality, it is what the LENS TRANSMITS to the camera. Since your 1.6 crop camera does not utilize the FULL lens image circle on an EF lens, it has the effect of zooming the transmitted image. SO your 17mm is not 17mm on a crop camera, it is the equivalent of a 27.2mm (28mm) EF-S lens. 17 x 1.6 = 27.2. On a 1D camera, that same 17mm is the equivalent of 22.1mm, where a 5D as a FULL FRAME camera is using the full image circle from the EF lens, so it is a true 17mm.

    Jun 18, 03:08 PM
    Can someone tell me how can a small SD card be able to hold 2t. If this is the case why are most External HD so much bigger?

    Jun 17, 02:39 PM
    Probably not...Remember how Sony didn't lower the sale price of the original PS3 when the refreshed model came out--even though it was higher?
    No, it has now been confirmed. At the time I posted that comment, it was just speculated, but Microsoft has now confirmed pricing and availability of the older Xbox.

    As of right now, Microsoft is no longer making original 360s. Every 360 they build is the new one. So, if you really want the older one, you only have a limited time until stock of them is gone.

    They also announced price drops for both of the older consoles as well. The current Arcade unit is dropping from $199 down to $149, and the current Elite is dropping from $299 down to $249. I would guess those prices will stay like that until the holiday season, and then any remaining stock of them at that point will be cleared out.

    Jun 18, 04:00 PM
    Off-topic comment, but still related to external storage.

    I received my Mac mini around noon, and I found something the previous (at least the GMA950 Core 2 Duo) model didn't support: USB flash storage works when connected to a side USB port of the aluminium Apple keyboard. My older Mac mini complains about lacking power via that USB port but the new one works just fine!

    Oct 27, 08:16 AM
    Lyra if you had read the thread you would have seen my comment about the student discount in the store.

    Did they give you the full HE discount though - Leopard for �58.75? Or did they charge �75?

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