Sunday, June 26, 2011

justin bieber selena gomez 2011 billboard awards

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  • Selena Gomez last night as

  • anilkumar0902
    01-26 12:10 PM
    I read Eden Prairie,MN has been rated the "Best city to live" by CNN Money magazine for 2010. Great schools, affordable living, low unemployment, community oriented life are pluses..Weather is definitely a damper. As the previous post suggests...we will have to trade-in the weather for everything else that is important to us.


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  • Selena Gomez Glams Up 2011

  • a_yaja
    01-21 08:45 AM
    Can soneone help me with this question.....please....

    My husband is on H1B and I'm on Ead.....both of us have expired I-94 stamps.....we are planing to go to our home country this year...we want to apply for advance question is.....can we enter U.S both of us with AD?
    I read on Uscis website that you need to have personal reason in order to go to your country while I-485 is pending....and you have to prove your personal that true....we want only to visit our parents.

    Thanks in advance!

    Visiting your parents is a humanitarian reason. Anyways, as vin13 mentioned, they will usually not ask any questions. My wife and I came back from Jamaica after a vacation in Dec. 2008 and no one asked us any questions.

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  • Pagal
    09-19 11:21 AM

    Sorry to read your experience ... not to rationalize the conduct of the rude employee, but they are also just human beings who have family, financial worries/problems and not all of them like their jobs either ...

    Having said that, there is no reason for you to accept the rude behavior of anyone ... you are asking for a visa, not begging for it! Here are somethings that you can do ...

    1. Email to the Consul General to file a complaint (provide as many details as possible, e.g. time of interview, window number, sequence of interactions, specific parts that you found offending and unreasonable). Here are the contact details (
    2. Write a letter to Consul General with copy to US ambassador, the Ombudsman of state department and Secretary of State. Here is the online form (*MUpak&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfc m93X2NudD05NCw5NCZwX3Byb2RzPSZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9JnB fY3Y9JnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmc F9wYWdlPTE!) (and on left side, there are phone numbers and addresses).

    Always remember that you are a free citizen of a free country who is working in US because there exists documented need for your skills in US.

    Good luck and I hope your visa is granted in due time ...

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  • calaway42
    10-04 01:42 AM
    no i did all steps :D yay for me!


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  • 2011 2011 Billboard Music

  • qualified_trash
    10-25 09:37 AM
    How long the old I-140 needs to be valid ? Should it be valid only until one gets the new I-140 cleared with the Old PD ? Or does it needs to be valid until the 485 is filed and status is adjusted ?
    should be valid preferably until you get your new I140 approved.

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  • Her boyfriend Justin Bieber

  • royus77
    05-22 04:31 PM
    Good question , I also want to know more on this as i am thinking of moving . Is there any hard date where USICS stop accepting I 140 petitions ?


    justin bieber selena gomez 2011 billboard awards. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • cbpds
    08-20 02:04 PM
    dont go and get caught in swine flu

    I'm planning to travel to India next month. My passport expires in December 09 and my H1b stamp on the passport expires in July of 2010. Will there be any problem at the POE because of the short valid months left in the passport and H1B visa.


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  • house ( Justin Bieber and Selena justin bieber selena gomez billboard 2011.

  • indyanguy
    10-17 06:48 PM
    If you open a company on EAD, you are eligible for any positions that pay by W2 right?


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  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • logiclife
    04-08 12:23 AM
    like S 1932 that deals with other issues then you risk the House getting those thrown out during conference committee.

    The advantage is that it will slide thru easily in senate. Problem is that house members use the S 1932 tactic to get immigration provisions thrown out in bills that are not related to immigration or touch immigration on a tangent like competitiveness bills.

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  • Justin Bieber Win .

  • pappu
    01-15 11:00 PM
    Any body else from Alabama? Please sign up here if you are from alabama. Lets start our state chapter activities. I am willing to take the lead to start the activities. So all you alabama residents please sign up.
    Thanks Harsh.


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  • justin bieber and selena gomez billboard awards 2011. justin bieber selena

  • nlalchandani
    10-25 02:36 PM
    Thanks canmt.

    By the way, for the G-28, it doesn't have to be an attorney right? So, I can get somebody else that I trust to sign them to be my representative. Will this work? If I were to put my own name to be my own representative, is that going to flag them?

    Do you know how much is it to get an attorney to sign the G-28 form? My PD is 3 years away, so I am pretty sure that the attorney won't have to do anything for quite a while (except for signing the form of course). If there are no RFE, the attorney possibly would not need to do anything at all.

    I agree with you....You should be able to file the G28 form to get someone else to be yr representative 2 or 4
    2. I am an accredited representative of the following named religious, charitable, social service, or similar organization established in the
    United States and which is so recognized by the Board:
    4. 4. Others (Explain Fully.)

    4 should work...

    Question is has someone done this before? Will send you a PM..

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  • Justin Bieber Selena Gomez

  • dupedinjuly
    07-15 02:07 AM

    A Little-Known Group Claims a Victory on Immigration

    July 15, 2007
    A Little-Known Group Claims a Victory on Immigration
    WASHINGTON, July 14 � When a comprehensive immigration bill collapsed last month on the Senate floor, it was a victory for a small group that had been lobbying Congress for a decade to reduce the number of immigrants � legal and illegal � in the United States.

    The group, Numbers USA, tracked every twist and turn of the bill. Its members flooded the Senate with more than a million faxes, sent through the organization�s Web site. It supplied arguments and information to senators opposing the bill.

    �It was a David-and-Goliath struggle,� said Roy H. Beck, the president of Numbers USA, who had been preparing for this moment since 1996, when he wrote a book titled �The Case Against Immigration.�

    Supporters of the bill included President Bush, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the high-tech industry, the Roman Catholic Church, many Hispanic organizations, farmers, restaurants, hotels and the construction industry.

    �The bill had support from the opinion elite in this country,� Mr. Beck said. �But we built a grass-roots army, consumed with passion for a cause, and used the power of the Internet to go around the elites and defeat a disastrous amnesty bill.�

    The measure, which died on June 28, would have offered legal status and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants and created a new temporary worker program while increasing border security.

    �Numbers USA initiated and turbocharged the populist revolt against the immigration reform package,� said Frank Sharry, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, a pro-immigrant advocacy group. �Roy Beck takes people who are upset about illegal immigration for different reasons, including hostility to Latino immigrants, and disciplines them so their message is based on policy rather than race-based arguments or xenophobia.�

    Representative Brian P. Bilbray, Republican of California and chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus, said, �We�re involved in weekly discussions with Numbers USA and other immigration-control groups as part of a team effort.�

    Numbers USA had fewer than 50,000 members at the end of 2004, but now counts more than 447,000, with an increase of 83 percent since January alone.

    Turning to the next phase of the debate, those members will push for enforcement of existing laws and new measures to curb the employment of illegal immigrants.

    �Our No. 1 legislative goal is to begin a system of mandatory workplace verification, to confirm that every employee is a United States citizen or an alien authorized to work in this country,� said Rosemary E. Jenks, director of government relations at Numbers USA.

    The organization wants to reduce immigration � as Mr. Beck says in the subtitle of his book � for �moral, economic, social and environmental reasons.�

    He contends that immigrants and their children are driving population growth, which he says is gobbling up open space, causing urban sprawl and creating more traffic congestion.

    Moreover, Mr. Beck asserts that immigrants and temporary workers, by increasing the supply of labor, have depressed wages in industries from meatpacking to information technology. Numbers USA has worked most closely with conservative Republicans, but in recent weeks has built alliances with Democrats who share the concern.

    Numbers USA keeps a scorecard showing every vote by every member of Congress on immigration-related issues since 1989. The group assigns a letter grade to each member.

    Lawmakers who received an A-plus were all Republicans and included Representatives J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois and Tom Tancredo of Colorado, a presidential candidate. The lowest grades � F-minuses � went to Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Joe Baca of California, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

    Numbers USA objects to proposals that increase the number of legal or illegal immigrants. It steers clear of debates over the allocation of visas.

    �It does not matter to us whether a visa goes to a high-tech worker, a farm worker or the sibling of a U.S. citizen,� Mr. Beck said.

    Numbers USA is one of many organizations fostered by John H. Tanton, an ophthalmologist from Michigan who has also championed efforts to protect the environment, limit population growth and promote English as an official language.

    Critics like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Representative Chris Cannon, Republican of Utah, have described Dr. Tanton as a father of the anti-immigration movement. Mark A. Potok, a senior researcher at the law center, called Numbers USA the �kinder, gentler side of that movement.�

    Mr. Beck said Numbers USA had been independent of Dr. Tanton since 2002. On the group�s Web site, Mr. Beck cautions against �immigrant bashing� and says, �Even illegal aliens deserve humane treatment as they are detected, detained and deported.�

    In the fight over the Senate bill, Numbers USA had daily conference calls with conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation and the Eagle Forum.

    For tax purposes, Numbers USA has two arms, an educational foundation and an advocacy group that lobbies Congress. Together, Mr. Beck said, they have a budget of $3 million this year, but will probably raise and spend $4.5 million.

    Mr. Beck said that in the past the group received about two-thirds of its money from foundations like the Colcom Foundation of Pittsburgh and the Weeden Foundation in New York. Many of these foundations have an interest in conservation.

    Numbers USA has raised the rest of its money from individual contributors over the Internet. The group collects detailed information on its members � their ethnic background, politics, religious affiliations, occupations and concerns � so it can choose the most effective advocates on any particular issue.

    In a survey question on religion, the group said the information would be useful because many lawmakers were likely to respond better to people with �a very similar religious worldview.�

    �This is our citizen army,� Mr. Beck said, pointing to a map that showed members of his group in every Congressional district.

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    Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company


    house Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez justin bieber selena gomez 2011 billboard awards. 2011 Billboard Music Awards -
  • 2011 Billboard Music Awards -

  • anilsal
    01-13 10:47 AM
    an infopass. The CIS official has a lot of information as to what is happening with the file. They can tell if someone is working on the file.

    If infopass does not work, go via senator and ombudsman.

    Best of luck!!

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  • pictures Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez justin bieber selena gomez 2011

  • nixstor
    10-30 03:14 PM
    I tried to post a couple of times and they are not getting posted. Does the comments need to be reviewed by some one before they get posted? Is it instantaneous?


    pictures Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez justin bieber selena gomez 2011 billboard awards. Billboard Music Awards 2011
  • Billboard Music Awards 2011

  • GCBy3000
    06-14 05:02 PM
    yes it is like that all these years, but atleast now I hope them to use their idle and rusty brain.

    There are tons of people with approved 140 with 2006/2007 PD. Even if they process they will not be in the position to grant GC to these people due to lack of visa numbers. So I hope they sort it out and process the applications based on PD.

    The applications themselves are processed by receipt date but the approval still depends on your PD.Someone correct me if I am wrong...

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  • kubmilegaGC
    09-11 03:52 PM


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  • Ann Ruben
    04-17 12:32 PM
    Yes, absolutely.

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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    10-15 02:01 PM
    I had LUDs on 10/05/2007, 10/07/2007, 10/09/2007 on my I-485 application after my FP appointment. I do not know what it means though.


    Probably ur 485 is going be approved soon!We had only one soft LUD after fp in our 485s on 7th sep 2007,and no luds on i-140 and i-131 till date??


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  • katrina
    05-31 01:05 PM
    You should look at it from the point of view of the immigration officer, that person was 50% immigrant and because of that needs to apply for a Green Card, on the mean time one visit a year for less than 90 days or one visit every two years for 6 months will make them a 25% of the time or less resident of USA, which doesn't raise any flag, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the immigration officer.

    Yup and for that reason people try to sponsor their family and their relative (sister and brother ) for Green Card. Because whenever you try to follow the system they try to make hard on you. When you try honest way telling the truth that you just want to visit your friends or family here they suspect you want to immigrate here. Older people from other country tend not to come over here and stay cause they will fully depend on their kid to get around
    in unfamiliar place but I guess the immigration officer don't think like that.

    08-12 09:12 AM
    1. Check with your lawyer on this

    2. Do not send affidavit for Aug 20th. Then you end up with documents having two birthdates and affidavits for confirming both birthdates. Instead, just leave it and wait. You may or may not end up with an RFE.

    11-23 09:53 AM
    if i check in the wesite or call the ins they say its approved bt my consultant states that the same had a query which i have also seen was sent to her , the query was sent in aug and we did reply the same instance . rite now im on student visa and abtto complete my mba and eligible for my internship . im veri much in the usa . please guide me as to wat shud i do tackle this situation and whts the next step . i want to wrk asap . i also that want to knw after its approval wat r the next step of docs tat i shud have and wat is it that i need to have to gain a upper hand and be out of this mess
    Something is not right here .
    If your are doing/Completing MBA , you may get all the information from your international /Student guidance office.
    Again Just curious - your English (spellings) why is so - SMS format ??

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